Architectural Home Designs & Decorating Ideas

Boost Your Kitchen Space with High Shelves and Ample Drawers

Gabriela Connell
3 minute read

Kitchen organization can be a constant struggle in homes both big and small. From cluttered countertops to overflowing cabinets, it’s a daily challenge to find storage solutions that work.

Going vertical with tall kitchen cabinets is one of the most effective ways to maximize your existing layout. By taking advantage of the often unused wall space above standard 36 inch counters, tall cabinets provide the extra room you need for bulky pots, baking sheets, serving platters, and other items that just won’t fit in your base cabinetry.

Get to Know Your Kitchen’s Storage Shortcomings

Take an objective look at your current kitchen situation to identify areas for improvement. Do you have to remove three things just to get to the pan you need? Are rarely used appliances hogging up premium real estate? Does grocery shopping turn into a tense game of Tetris as you try to find a home for everything?

Standard base cabinets simply don’t have the depth needed for today’s range of kitchen tools and meal prep gadgets. The 18 inches of space from countertop to the bottom of wall cabinets is practically begging to be used. Going taller with your cabinetry means you can organize less frequently accessed items up top and out of the way.

Unleash the Potential of Vertical Storage Space

tall kitchen cabinet with drawers

Tall cabinets have long been popular as standalone pantry units. But they also provide excellent storage when incorporated right into kitchen cabinet layouts. Going up to 42, 48, or even 60 inches with select cabinets gives you back all those cubic inches lost between regular wall and base cabinet heights.

Gaining storage vertically prevents you from having to cram everyday use pots, pans, and appliances into every possible base cabinet. Baking essentials, serving platters, oversized cookware, and bulk pantry items can all be stashed overhead.

Consider the Specialty Options for Organization

Tall cabinets come with a variety of specialty fittings to make the most of the storage space. Roll-out trays and baskets allow easy access to items pushed all the way to the back. Lazy susans create functional storage in corner tall cabinet configurations. The deep drawers accommodate far more than standard base cabinet drawers.

Adjustable shelves, sturdy hardware, and high quality materials like plywood make tall cabinets ideal for heavy duty kitchen storage needs. Just be sure to measure carefully during planning to account for loss of space at corners and with toe kicks.

Strategically Add Tall Cabinets to Your Layout

Finding the right spot to install your tall cabinets will depend on your kitchen’s existing footprint. But there are some general recommendations to consider:

Avoid placing tall cabinets in high traffic zones, as they can create bottlenecks. And be sure to measure carefully to find areas with enough vertical clearance for your ideal cabinet height.

Cabinet and Organizational Product Recommendations

Ready-to-assemble and custom cabinetry both offer high quality tall cabinet options. Consider your budget and complexity of your planned layout. Some top rated products include:

Utilize roll-outs, tilt-outs, baskets, and other specialty fittings to create an organizational system that fits your needs. Expandable spice racks, tiered shelves, and pull down drying racks are also great space savers in tall cabinets.

By going vertical with selectively placed tall kitchen cabinets, you can add storage capacity without major renovation work. Use the above tips to evaluate your needs, find the ideal locations, and incorporate specialty organizational products.

With your infrequently used and bulky kitchen gear stashed overhead, your base cabinets will be freed up for the items you access daily. Who knew you could gain so much space just by thinking tall?